Get to Know Keta Salmon, the Fishermen, and the Fish

For our skin-on Yukon River keta salmon, our supplier FishPeople partnered with the Yupik eskimos in Alaska, whose history with the catch runs deep.

Every spring, the Yupik travel from their inland villages to camps along the lower Yukon River, where they spend the next few months harvesting salmon. It’s a tradition that has persisted for a very long time—the Yupik are believed to be among the original inhabitants of North America. For them, salmon is much more than dinner. The fish has played a crucial role in the culture ever since their ancestors first crossed the Bering Strait thousands of years ago.

The Yukon River is considered one of the most important salmon breeding grounds in the world. The fish there travel almost 2000 miles upstream in frigid waters against powerful currents to return to their spawning grounds. It’s not a journey for the weak of fin. Along the way, the salmon build up stores of delicious, heart-healthy omega-3 fats to insulate them from the cold and give them strength to make it home.

Here at Sun Basket, we’re excited to support the Yupik by offering their high-quality keta salmon in our meals. This particular species is firm, with a milder flavor and lighter color than sockeye or king. While some keta salmon can be quite lean, the ones from the Yukon River have been tested and shown to have the highest omega-3 content of any salmon—up to 5.2 grams per 100 gram serving compared to 1.5 grams in a 100 gram serving of other salmon from other waters. 

Taste it for yourself in our Thai Style Salmon with Asian Pear Salad and thank a Yupik for your meal.